Summer Learning 2024
"Make Your Mark" T-Shirts for Sale!
Time to order a kid-designed T-shirt from the Mad River Valley Libraries!
This year, the shirt features the unique rubber stamp designs that were used in the Adventure Hunt, which was inspired by the 2024 Summer Learning Program theme, "Adventure Begins at Your Library". Please head to the website below to purchase yours:
The proceeds from this project help to fund future summer programs. We'd like to give a big thanks to the contributors who "Made Their Mark".
Arlo's "Smile and Frown Clouds", Carrie's "Heart", Colin's "Ice Cream Cone", Elizabeth's "The Can", Ellie's "Christmas Tree", Greta's "Reading", Landen's "Play Ball", Leo's "The Bear and the Cupboard", Lydia's "Flower", Marie's "Pregnant Mermaid", Maya's "Heart", Olive's "Reading is Awsome", Sadie's "Take Your Library Adventures...Anywhere!", Scout's "Chicken", Sterling's "I Don't Know My Word Search" (a.k.a. donut), Tommy's "Bird", Tulsi's "Love Heart", Waverly's "Twisted Flowers", and Wilder's "The Mountain of Hope".

Thank You from the MRV Libraries
The Mad River Valley Libraries would like to thank everyone who made the 2024 Summer Learning Program “Adventure Begins at Your Library” a success. Most importantly, we thank the children and families who came to our events, completed summer learning reading logs and BINGO sheets, and traveled up and down the valley in search of our hidden Adventure Hunt boxes. Without you, there would be no summer learning program.
Thank you to the Waitsfield Farmers Market for hosting our adventure journal crafting station and to Bliss Ridge Farm in Moretown for hosting our Ponding Adventure. We hope the frogs have all recovered from our visit.
We would also like to thank the Village Grocery, Inklings Children’s Books and Chooseco, publishers of the Choose Your Own Adventure books, for donating summer learning prizes. We are lucky to partner with businesses that give back to the community.
Thank you to Michael Clough of the Vermont Natural History Museum for introducing us to Vermont wildlife and to Lynn Noble for sharing the joy of music at our Campfire Singalong.
Finally, we would like to thank our libraries’ Friends organizations and the Vermont Department of Libraries for the funds that allow us to bring the summer learning program to the Mad River Valley community.
While our event series is over, there is still time to turn in your summer reading logs or BINGO cards and to find all 8 secret Adventure Hunt boxes. Stop by any of the MRV libraries to learn more.
-as submitted to the Valley Reporter