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The Friends of the Warren Public Library is a non-profit organization that provides financial and volunteer support to the Warren Public Library. The Friends group works closely with the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees to promote and enhance the library’s mission by providing funding for special projects and events.

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President:           Sue Stoehr

Vice-President:   Fran Plewak

Secretary:           Janet Ellison

Treasurer:           Sandy Seymour

How we support the Warren Public Library

  • Purchase subscriptions to magazines, patron-requested and replacement materials, and audiobooks

  • Fund afterschool and summer learning programs for children

  • Sponsor speakers and discussion groups for adults

  • Provide a source of funding for special projects and needs outside of the Library’s operating budget

  • Welcome every baby born in Warren with a special Books for Babies packet. Each packet contains a board book, early literacy tips for parents and caregivers, and a list of book suggestions by age.


How you can help

  • Contribute through clicking on the Donate button, respond to our annual appeal, or pick up a donation form at the library

  • Book Sales - Donate books in excellent condition to our annual December book sale

  • Volunteer - Volunteer opportunities range from weekly shifts at the circulation desk to helping with the book sale to providing refreshments for library events and more!

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