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April 2020

National Library Week - Find the Library at Your Place

How does a public library function when it is closed to the public? This is a question that libraries around the world have been facing in the last several weeks. For years librarians have worked hard to convince people that the library exists beyond its physical walls and now our reckoning has come. Help us celebrate National Library Week next week by participating in one or more of the activities below. This year’s theme, “Find Your Place at the Library,” was selected months ago but with some clever flipping of text, the American Library Association has updated it to “Find the Library at Your Place.” For more details about any of the following, please visit


Week-long challenge: During the week of April 19, sign up for a library account if you don’t already have one. All patrons that sign up between April 19 and April 25 will be entered to receive a prize!

Monday April 20 - Using items around your house, recreate a book cover, post a selfie tagging the Warren Library on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or email it to me and I’ll share it.

Tuesday, April 21, 7pm - “Any book” book club virtual meeting

Wednesday, April 22, 10am - Attend virtual storytime with Amanda!

Thursday, April 23 - Take Action for Libraries Day. Take a few minutes to think about why the library is important to you. Then put those thoughts in words, a photo, a drawing, an email, however you’d like to capture them. Share your words and art by emailing me or posting on social media with the hashtag #thankyoulibraries. In these uncertain times libraries are already feeling the constraints of budget tightening, please help us show that libraries matter.

Friday, April 24 - Harry Potter Trivia Night. Virtual trivia night via Zoom. Registration required.


As much as we try to meet the challenge of serving our public outside of our library space, it isn’t the same. We miss the chance encounters, the book reviews from patrons, and seeing your faces. When it’s safe to reopen, we’ll be waiting for you with big smiles and open arms and hearts. Stay well.

March 2020

Census in the Time of Coronavirus

By now, most households should have received their invitation from the US Census Bureau to fill out the Census2020 form. This year the Census Bureau is asking respondents to fill the form out online using the Census ID in their mailing. If you do not have internet access, you may call in your response using the toll-free number on the invitation. The form is also mobile device-friendly so you can also complete it on your phone! 


Why is it important that every Vermonter be counted? In fiscal year 2016, the state of Vermont received over 2.4 BILLION dollars through 55 federal programs guided by 2010 census data. That works out to be about $4000 per Vermont resident. So for every person living in Vermont that doesn’t get counted, we stand to lose $4000 in federal funds that cover things like Medicaid, the National School Lunch Program, WIC, special education, and much more. So open that census invitation (after whatever time period you feel is safe to handle your mail!) and take 10 minutes to complete it! I think it’s safe to say most of us have an extra 10 minutes on our hands these days.


Speaking of keeping ourselves busy - the Fifth Annual Peeps® Diorama Contest is going virtual this year and we’ve really loosened up the rules. Form a team or work on your own to create a book or literary-themed diorama using Peeps®. No shoebox? No hot glue gun? No problem! This year we'll have a special award for the most creative use of materials. We'll even entertain alternatives to the Peeps® themselves if your personal Peeps® supply chain has broken down. Want to include your family and friends outside the valley? Invite them to join in the fun! Email at least 3 photos of your diorama to by 5:00 pm April 3. Online voting will be open to the public from April 4-April 11. On April 12, we will announce the winners! Complete rules (rules? Like many households right now, there are few rules.) and entry form can be found on our website


I hope you are finding comfort in reading something other than the news right now. If you are interested in using an ebook service from the library, call and leave a message or email me and I’ll get back to you. Stay well.

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